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3 Things I Learned in March

March is typically a busy month for me as it is. I often find myself scrambling for extra time; but, as we know there are still 31 days in March no matter how much we hope and dream. Anyway, while I don’t usually have many extra hours to read or study during this month, I still find time to step back and learn a thing or two about the world around me. So, why keep it to myself? Truth is, I shouldn't, so, here I am! Here are three things that the month of March taught me:

  • People are so much less than perfect. I realize this is kind of a no brainer—duh, we are told from the time we are three years old that nobody’s perfect and life’s not fair—but, that isn’t exactly what I mean. What I am saying is, people are going to let you down because we are living in a sinful world. Even your closest friends, relatives, or those that you love most in life. Haven’t we all heard the term “I’m only human!”? I’m not trying to put you down or make you think any less of the people you look up to in life. But for example, I have developed a very bad habit of studying people and their lifestyle, which isn’t a bad thing in itself; however, with that habit I find myself knit picking and scoffing at every little thing they do wrong. This month I learned that humankind is not perfect at all. We have not been perfect since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Yet, when I watch someone perform a task or live their life it’s like I expect them to carry it out perfectly and according to how God would want it done, and that is not right of me. This lesson kind of hit me square in the nose after sitting in my room one night thinking of all the people’s flaws I had observed over the month…when in reality, the only flaws I should be worried about are my own.

  • Everybody is a role model. This is one that kind of hit me while being around so many younger teens this month. I was around such a large variety of personalities and levels of maturity between church and school trips that I thought about losing it a time or two. But, in all the chaos and annoying actions, the one thing that kept me going is that I am the older person and I have a role. Even if you don’t want to be a role model, you don’t really have much of a choice, you are anyway! So, like it or not you are destined to leave behind some sort of legacy—it’s your decision whether it will be a good one or not. No matter how old you are you know what it means when someone says “younger kids are so annoying” because we all think that about the age groups below us whether you are twelve or twenty. Truth is however, they need you. There is one student in junior high that comes to my mind as I wright this but instead of mentioning their name let’s call them Flynn—sounds like a punky junior high name right? Okay so hardly anyone likes Flynn, they just don’t have the friendliest personality and think they know everything (Don’t you miss those days when you knew “everything”). So anyway, I agree with everyone, he does find it really easy to get on the ole nerves, but I was determined to show them a different attitude then how everyone else treated him (I’m going to refer to them as him now). So, just the other day he said something very rude as a blanket statement and instead of yelling at him to shut up like everyone else was doing, I remained quiet and when everyone had settled back down I gave him an encouraging word. Honestly, I do not remember whatsoever what I said to him, it may have even been a compliment I really do not remember. But, when I turned back around I felt his mood change by the voice he spoke in and how he responded to others the rest of the class hour. The kid next to him even leaned over and said, “How did you get a high schooler to be nice and actually like you?” Of course I kind of chuckled because they were both equally surprised at how I had responded. There are a few more instances but for word count sake I will save y’all the reading😊 My point is, you are always ministering, but you get to choose how and what outcome you grow. Often times we do not even realize that some look to us as role models. Occasionally, I will have someone tell me that they love something about me and wish they could be like me or do this like me or be as inspiring as me. The truth? I do not see myself as the things that they want to “be like me” in, I’m just trying my best to leave a good legacy and be a help to those that need it.

  • Everyone deserves kindness. Lastly, my third biggest thing I learned this month is that no matter what, everyone deserves kindness. This is one I really strive to nail on the head. To be kind to everyone I meet. No, it does not always happen; sometimes I’m just in a horrible mood or my tolerance level is drained. But then again, I am only human and I am not perfect (see what I did there). Everyone you meet is fighting their own battle, possibly even more than one battle. Ephesians 4:32 says,

“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”

Be ye kind. See? Right there in the Word of God He commands us to be kind and tenderhearted. How about this, make it a point to go out of your way to be kind to at least one person every day, not anything big, just a compliment or a simple act of kindness you can do. Not only will you help them, you will be helping yourself. When I put kindness as a priority, I feel so much better; I feel purposeful, empowered, and happy. Kindness is also part of being a role model. When people see you being kind or receive your kindness, it can start a chain reaction. Spread that kindness around like confetti! You would be surprised how contagious it is and just how much it can change a person’s day. So, as you see, the third big thing I learned last month of March was that every person deserves kindness no matter how rude, annoying, immature, selfish, or inconsiderate you think that they are. Everyone deserves kindness.

I really hope you guys found at least one of these relatable or encouraging. I had a lot going on in the month of March, yet there is always a lesson to be learned. Thank you to each and every one of my readers you guys are the BEST!!! If you would like to, sign up for my mailing list by scrolling to the bottom of the website and entering your name and email. I’m working on getting my system up and ready to get you guys regular emails, and be more organized. I love each and every one of you have a fabulous weekend! 

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