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Covered With Glory

I think we can all come to the agreement that—in its simplest terms—society today is messed up! The whole concept of life has changed...

Traits of my Biggest Role Models

We all have role models, whether we realize it or not. People we look up to for guidance or direction. That person may not even know that...

3 Things I Learned in March

March is typically a busy month for me as it is. I often find myself scrambling for extra time; but, as we know there are still 31 days...

Where is 2018 Going?

Oh my word y’all, it has been way too long. I thoroughly apologize for my absence, but my life got crazy busy all of a sudden back in...

Where I Find My Skirts...

Let me start out by saying I HATE SHOPPING. The only time I enjoy it is if it is a really great deal. As I’m sure we have all noticed,...

5 Tips for that First Date

First, I've got to give credit where credit is due... a huge thank you to @savannah.photographyy for letting me use your photo in my...

Note to Self: Colossians 3:12-13

This verse has been on my heart for quite some time now and I felt like sharing with you all for this week's blog post. So buckle up, and...

HOW TO: the Lazy Bun

After so many requests I finally got around to answering the question: how do you do that bun??? It is always my "go-to" hairstyle...

Surviving: Finals Week Edition

Ah, the dreaded yet most looked-forward-to week of the semester. So many tears, so many tubs of ice cream, so many stressed out people....

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