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5 Tips for that First Date

First, I've got to give credit where credit is due... a huge thank you to @savannah.photographyy for letting me use your photo in my graphic

Okay, so I was a bit dry on topic ideas this week so I had been searching for inspiration when I came across one that said “First Date Tips.” I laughed at it at first and then went back to it. It seems like a comical topic, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I do get asked about this kind of thing pretty often so why not? I guess this post is primarily aimed for girls; but hey, guys, it may help you next time knowing what is going through her brain after reading so enjoy😊


Sometimes, the nervousness just cannot be helped, but just remember to be yourself. Chances are, he is just as nervous if not more, and two nervous people within 10 feet of each other is a recipe for disaster (especially if there are drink glasses nearby). Calm your nerves and let your normal personality shine through! After all, its only the first date.


This one is more for you than anything else. In today’s world we have to be constantly aware in order to stay safe out there. First dates are a good time to make sure you are aware of everything going on and caution yourself. Not to say that you should carry a bag full of defense items with you but let me just give you a run-down of what’s in my purse at the time:

· Pepper Spray/Tazer like I said you just don’t know but it’s better to be safe than sorry

· Wallet you never know when you may come across one of those that claim, “I’m on a separate ticket” when ordering at the restaurant *insert eye roll*

· Mints/Gum ya know, because no one wants a one on one conversation with bad breath, and being nervous can sometimes cause bad breath

· Bobby Pins

· Your Car Keys this is another safety one, I suggest to have your own vehicle present on the first date just in case you end up in a situation where you need/want to leave asap.

· Travel Size Perfume ever heard of stress sweat? Yeahhhhh.

· Phone Charger who wants a dead phone in case things get super awkward or you need that get-away text from a friend? Not me!!

· Chap Stick/ Lip Gloss


By be prepared I mean have in mind some things you want to talk about for when the conversation is awkwardly silent. Especially if you’ve already talked about the weather three times. Questions, complements, stories, all and any of the above work! Here’s some to get you started:

· Where do you work?

· What’s your favorite thing to do?

· Are you artistic?

· What’s your favorite genre of music?

· Do you read?

· So, today I…

· One time I…

· Usually I…

· Sports?

Always try to keep a conversation going and try not to make him feel awkward because we all know silence can be uncomfortable and nerve racking.


This one kind of mirrors #1 but ah well. Look, if this person does not seem to like you

when you are yourself, they are not someone you need in your life. So, embrace it! If you are normally bubbly and energetic go for it! If you are the nerdy type show it! If you could eat half a cow by yourself, girl, you go for it!! One thing I was told is that you never eat much on the first date, especially more than he does; but that’s NOT who I am so let me tell you, I ATE. My mindset was, if he has a problem with how much I eat, he can walk right back out because I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. P.S. Yes, I ate more than he did.


I’ll be the first to say you should not need to dress up and max out in order to woo a guy because you’re not always going to look like that. Yes, first impressions are important, but take a deep breath. Chill with the makeup, it’s a date not an art competition. Of course, you want to look good but don’t go overboard unless that is the only way you can feel confident (and if so that’s a personal problem). Sure, go for that shirt that complements your eyes or that hairstyle that frames your face perfectly, but I am telling you if that is the only way you feel that you can get his attention then leave it… it's not worth it. He should fall in love with your personality not your looks or your body. Your body will fade over time and grow old, but your personality is what makes you, you! And it will stick with you for the rest of your life. Personally, my idea of an ideal “date night” outfit is nothing uncomfortable. Just remember to keep it in moderation and don’t overkill.

Well, who knows how useful my tips ACTUALLY are but they are better than nothing right? My main point I tried to get across with this article was to remember to be yourself and not be afraid of “scaring” him away. Just remember to stay safe, and stay true! Anyway, thanks for visiting and reading I love each and every one of you! Join my mailing list and become a member on my site! Connect with me for ideas on my upcoming blogs or any questions you may have.

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