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Surviving: Finals Week Edition

Ah, the dreaded yet most looked-forward-to week of the semester. So many tears, so many tubs of ice cream, so many stressed out people. But! It does mean that once it is over you have made it through yet another chapter of high school/college. So, let me personally give you some of my ways that keep me sane during this week…

· QUIZLET!!!!! Oh my word, I cannot put enough exclamation marks on this one; Quizlet has literally saved my GPA. Thank the Lord for technology, huh!? Anyway, if you are a student and are not aware of Quizlet, you are missing out big time. It makes studying so much easier and convenient and personally, I retain the knowledge better than just studying out of a textbook. Just google it. It will change your life.

· DON’T STRESS! I know you are probably thinking, “yeah, that’s easier said than done.” But really, do not stress yourself out to the max; it’s not worth it. Give yourself a break because, yes, it is possible to over study. And usually when you over study you end up so flustered and overwhelmed that you don’t remember anything that you just looked at or read. If you are anything like me you upset yourself when you do anything less than perfect, and I have had to teach myself that it is okay to fall short sometimes. Because, news flash: NOBODY IS PERFECT! So, as long as you try your best and moderate yourself I promise you will be absolutely fine.

· EAT BREAKFAST! They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don't know it could just be a lie to get kids to eat their food, but I do think better when I have eaten because I’m not dreaming of pizza while trying to also remember what thermionic emission is. Even just a cup of coffee or chocolate milk gets me through my mornings because I am not a breakfast person. Just find the right balance that works for you on your dreary mornings.

· SLEEEEEP! You really do need your sleep, it is probably one of your best friends whether you realize it or not. Don’t stay up all night studying or binge watching, give your eyes and brain a rest. They need it!

· PACE YOURSELF! Don’t cram the night before… especially on an exam! Yes, we are all guilty, and I’m sure some of us probably have a few stories both positive and negative on the subject. But, we should also all be able to agree it is not the best for you, because let’s be honest, are you really learning anything when cramming? No. You are memorizing words with definitions or concepts. Just do yourself a favor and get ahead of the game.

· HAVE A PLAN! This one seems to be a bit of a no-brainer, but I put it in here anyway because I know how frazzled the mind gets this time of year. Seriously, you need to have all your exam dates written down somewhere so that you know when each one is. DO NOT WING IT!! Bad idea. Grab a planner or notecard or something so you can visibly keep track of your schedule.

I wish you all the absolute best on your exams, and finals. Sorry if this post came a little late for some, but maybe you can pull it back up during your spring semester instead. If you're reading this it means you actually scrolled through the whole article and kudos to you!! If I could reward you I totally would. Any questions, comments, complaints, or concerns (though go easy on the complaints;) feel free to email me. Plus, I could always use topics for my next articles so if you have an idea shoot it my way!

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!

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